Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Walking in the Search Engine's Shoes

Walking in the Search Engine's Shoes

This article caught my attention, probably due to the fact I've thought about it but not for too long.

It is of course about the amounts of spam that the search engines receive and even although I not especially in love with any of the engines, it does make you think about the difficult job they have to provide good results, quickly.

The trouble is, and it's especially noticeable with Google, that the search engines have filtered out so many tricks and spam, they don't seem to be giving very relevant results any longer.

Sure, the spam isn't as bad as it once was but it seems to be due to the fact they have filtered out almost everything that is on topic as well!

MSN, in my opinion, seem to be leading the way in providing relevant results with the least amount of spam. Yahoo, still provides us with copious amounts of rubbish in with a few relevant results and Google have lost the plot altogether.

I was searching earlier in Google for some information about a product and although I received many results with news items about the topic, actual links to what I was looking for weren't to be found. It seems they've filtered a little too hard.

Still, it can't be easy being Google with the eyes of the world focusing on your every move and with the tweak of an filter putting people in and out of business. They are trying but maybe too hard.

Hopefully they'll get it right soon and stop filtering out perfectly good websites.

Oh and another thing I think the search engines are trying to hard at is to be the leader in new technology without actually looking at whether or not people actually want it.

Why not concentrate more on good, relevant results.

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