Sunday, July 04, 2004

Google - What a pain!


A few days ago Google decided to have an update of PR and it's results. This, as happens about once a month, has caused everyone who relies on Google for referrals no end of problems - again.

Some top ranking sites have disappeared down the Google plughole and others are floundering. Of course in retrospect, some sites have done exceedingly well and will gloat about the number of visitors for another month at least.

Where does all this leave the Webmaster of a small site with a small budget? In a lot of cases, he/she can go from doing great to a flop overnight and with no control over it whatsoever.

Now I know that Google has to try and filter out irrelevant results and I know that SEO practitioners will try to get around this and some sites are spam laden but it's getting more difficult for the genuine Webmaster or small site owner to do some optimizing and try to gain better results.

Surely everyone who works hard on their site should expect to be treated fairly?

Google freely changes its mind on what is acceptable or not. In effect it is probably trying to better the results but in a lot of cases it is letting the undesirables in and keeping the honest guy out.

Some of the comments on the changes this month think that the change is to do with links pages, too many reciprocated or not enough is a matter or opinion. Or is it too many link only pages or over optimisation on the pages.

Whatever, Google is running our sites prosperity and is making it harder for the small guy to become one of the big guys. Surely this is why the internet came about? To allow everyone an equal chance of sharing the information and products that they promote? Google doesn't seem to think so. Or have I got it wrong?

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