Saturday, December 03, 2005

Spam and Viruses

It's little wonder that the past week or so the number of viruses appearing in mailboxes has climbed. I've had my fair share of the critters, even with firewalls and virus protection and now make sure that I backup fairly regularly.

The last week or so has gone crazy! The number of emails I get per day has nearly tripled and most are from spammers wanting to sell me viagra, rolex watches or cheap copied software.

It amazes me that it's even worth their while as most of the emails are poorly written and full of nonsense so that the spam filters won't catch them. I bounce them all back but I don't suppose that nowadays that makes much difference although it maybe makes me feel a little better.

The strange thing is that most of them don't come via the email address I use for my websites. It's freely available but out of all the emails I receive only around 10% to this email address is spam, the rest has to do with my websites and other online work that I do.

No most of the emails I get are to a yahoo address I use and I don't think it's ever been given out except to recommended retailers. mmmm... somebody along the lines must have decided to make a bit and sell a list I was on.

What can be done about the amount of spam emails and viruses we have to endure on a daily basis? I fear, not a lot. Without an over-riding authority to control the internet, the spam is here to stay but if we all did a little bit, we could make a difference.

So the next time you receive spam, at least bounce it back and for the really annoying ones, run the details through Spamcop and follow the instructions.

If you receive any gambling emails for casinos or poker, forward them to Fight Casino Spam. Know any others like these that can make a little difference?

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