Wednesday, July 27, 2005

How To Be A Blogging Idol Instead Of An Idle Blogger

How To Be A Blogging Idol Instead Of An Idle Blogger

A useful article for those who have a blog or want to set one up but can't get the traffic to it. A few nice SEO (search engine optimisation) ideas and techniques that should help you on your way to blogging stardom!

Well, I'll give some of the things a go anyway.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Content Protection Tactics for Affiliates

Content Protection Tactics for Affiliates

This is an interesting article on how affiliates and other site owners can help protect their websites from thieves looking to steal your affiliate content.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Google Quote on Affiliate Sites

The quote from Google below about affiliate sites has been met with a very mixed reception but, personally, I think this is great. It should help get rid of the quickly knocked up sites and leaves the quality affiliate portals alone.

"We differentiate between affiliates that produce extra service, value, or content, and those that simply are duplicates of other sites, set up to boost traffic to other sites and earn a commission for it. The former ones are not Offensive and should be rated on the merits to the query. The latter ones are Offensive...

"Thin affiliate doorways are sites that usher people to a number of Affiliate programs, earning a commission for doing so, while providing little or no value-added content or service to the user. A site certainly has the right to try to earn income; we're attempting to identify sites that do nothing but act as a commission-earning middleman."

I'm just waiting to make sure now that Google sees my sites as quality content and not spam but it will be nice to see some of the poor sites being penalised.

It's just a pity Google couldn't get rid of some more of the SPAM sites - but they do try.